Update: The School Year 2025-2026 date for this event has not yet been set. To discover more about our other upcoming 2025-2026 School Year events & programs, please contact us at info@mylittleivy.com to join our mailing list.
Look Out, Here Comes Our Parade!
Our Little Ivy Learning Center toddler-kindergarten campers will be gathering under the tall trees here on campus [TBD for 2025] (Raindate: TBD for 2025) for our annual Independence Day Parade of the States.
Throughout the opening week of our first Summer Camp ’25 adventure of the season—[TBD for 2025]— each camp class will be exploring the unique people, places and cultures of an American state. . . and creating a hand-made parade float that captures the highlights of what they’ve discovered, along with related items such as masks, hats, musical instruments and more!
On parade day, they’ll be marching through our outdoor campus, sharing their discoveries with campmates, as well as 1st- and 2nd-grade campers from our neighboring Little Ivy Academy’s Summer Explorers camp program!