At this age, learning revolves around play. Children love to explore their environment and repeat the same stories, songs and activities until they understand how they work.
The Junior Nursery Program at Little Ivy Learning Center stimulates your child’s senses and curiosity, providing foundations for learning about Math, Literacy and the world around them.
Our program is carefully designed to develop your child’s skills using their own natural curiosity through play. Each week, your child will have the opportunity to develop his/her skills using a wide variety of activities that include: games, stories, thematic units, dramatic play, projects, music, finger-plays, creative movement, free play time, outdoors and hands-on activities.
During a typical day, your child will build on the lessons provided during teacher-directed group instruction and a range of individual child-directed activities including skill- development projects, learning centers, free play, special programs with community helpers such as firefighters, police, dentists and more.
Your child will learn about colors, sorting, shapes, matching games and working with puzzles. They’ll learn more about positional words like over, under, inside and outside. Finally, they’ll begin learning to recognize numbers and what they are used for by constantly counting and pointing out numbers in their environment.
Your child is beginning to use language more and more, going from simple phases to more complex ideas. Reading and Rhyming are an important focus of their early literacy as your child discovers more about how adults use language. Every activity provides an opportunity for conversation. Our teachers will read high-quality picture books and children are encouraged to ask questions and make predictions when teachers are reading.
Your child will explore their natural curiosity through hands-on units which include: seasons, weather, parts of the body, plants, animals, and the five senses. They'll begin to perform simple experiments about wind, water and plants. Your child’s science vocabulary will begin to expand as they learn more about themselves and their environment.
Your child will build their gross motor skills participating in our daily games and movement program on our playing field. They’ll get to climb, run and have fun with their friends on our huge playground. Indoors, our dance and yoga programs help build coordination and listening skills. We also will focus on developing fine motor skills by working on special projects that entail cutting, tearing, gluing and painting.
Music is a way children begin understanding the sounds of language and the joys of expression. They’ll enjoy daily music lessons linking story, song, rhyme & rhythm. Meanwhile, their Art practice expands with the use of clay, different kinds of paint, and found materials.
We invite you and your child to join us for a personal visit.
Come meet our director, teachers and students; tour our school and campus; and experience first-hand the personalized academic programs and social opportunities Little Ivy will provide your child and your family.
Social & Emotional Development
We will help your child learn to make smooth transitions, including between home and school. Your child will begin to learn to be a little more self-sufficient, recognize and control their emotions and begin learning how to share with others.