Adventure awaits for your child as they join their fellow campers for a summer filled with fun, friendship and learning during “Passport to Adventure!” Little Ivy Learning Center’s 2025 summer camp program for three-year olds through soon-to-be kindergartners.
With our park-like Ridgewood campus as the backdrop, your child will have the opportunity to see the sights and explore the cultures of destinations far and near, with plenty of time for water play, kickball, crafts and other fun, traditional summer day-camp activities!
“Passport to Adventure!” offers each of our campers five all-new and unique Adventures during the 2025 summer camp season– four two-week Adventures, plus a season-ending, single week Adventure, too.
Our program, priced on a per-week basis, includes discounts for campers who join us for multiple sessions. . . and it is flexible, too! You’re welcome to select as many as all four, two-session Adventures (plus the season-ending one-week Adventure) or just the single weeks that best suit your schedule.
[NOTE: Summer Camp is included at no additional cost for our year-round, Little Ivy Learning Center PreschoolPlus students]
Explore the Adventures, below…
Come On, Let’s Go! We’re setting out on a journey along America’s highways and byways to explore famous places around the Good ‘ol US of A! We’ll top it off with an old-fashioned Independence Day celebration, including our own Parade of the States, a marching band and a picnic in Little Ivy’s shaded picnic grove![Weeks 1 & 2]
The Heat is On. . . and Nothing beats penguins to cool down the heat of summer! Your camper and their fellow explorers will encounter both Antarctic and Arctic animals, discover how they survive & thrive; the mysteries of the Midnight Sun and the weather of the polar caps as we create our own glacial habitats.[Weeks 3 & 4]
3-2-1, BLAST OFF! We’re heading off for adventures in space discovery when we visit Mars and other destinations throughout our Solar System. Your camper and their fellow astronauts will be creating their own spaceships for their journey to explore the planets and more! [Weeks 5 & 6]
Anchors Away! We’re off on the high seas to explore the cultures and seaside wildlife of Asia. From India to China and Japan, we’ll immerse ourselves in rich local customs, folk tales and habitats at each port of call! [Weeks 7 & 8]
Off We Go! What better way to finish the summer than by seeing the sights and discovering the diverse cultures of Mexico as we fill our backpacks with memories for a lifetime! We’ll have opportunities to practice our Spanish words as we immerse ourselves in the arts and cultures of our neighbors to the south.[Week 9]
Registration is now underway (our PreschoolPlus students are automatically registered at no additional cost).
We anticipate that space will be limited, so please make your reservation as soon as possible. To register or learn more about our summer camp program, Passport to Adventure please click on one of the links below to contact our director, Stephanie Bassler.